Saturday 9th February 2013 was the day set up for
the Got Kowiti Livelihood and Development Group to sow the group’s bulb onion
in the seed beds. With the collaboration of the Kobama Division Ministry of
Agriculture and ALIN the team was able to create 14 seedbeds for the 1.5 Kg Red
Creole seeds.
Onion is a biennial vegetable that is grown as an annual and
the whole bulb is used for flavouring in foods, soups and stews and is also
picked. The bulb onions are rich in vitamin E and other Minerals. Nutritionally
speaking, 100 gm of onion provides about 30mg of calcium, 0.5 mg of iron and
vitamin B, 0.2 mg rib flavin, 0.3 mg nicotinamide and 10 mg of ascorbic acid.
The climatic conditions of Ndhiwa seem to favour onion
production since it is has a warm climate with a general optimum temperature of
15 – 30OC. We have varieties of onions grown in Kenya like the Red
Creole, Red Tropicana Hybrid, Bombay red, Yellow Granex Fi Hybrid and Texas
Early Grano, white creole among others.
Got Kowiti Livelihood group opted for the Red Creole bulb
onions after training on the same in mid last year and they did the species trial
farm that did well and they are yet to harvest by late this month (February
2013). The trial farm to us was very important since the producers were able to
weigh on the options of its production before expounding to the 2 acres target
(they now have the experience). It marked us a participatory field school. The seeds
were sawed according to the experts’ recommendation (spacing, seed rate and fertilizer)
and we are looking forward to a better start with the effects of climate change
at the back of our mind.