With the rise of the sun on the 13th of July 2012, 164
Ndhiwa Maarifa Centre ICT graduates were full of delight as they waited to
receive their certificates in an occasion that was highly graced by
the district's D.O 1 as the guest of honor. Amongst the many that were
present were members from the government departments, NGOs, Community
Based Organizations and other community members from all walks of life.
The event begun at 10.00 am with a word of prayer and
welcoming remarks from the Advisory Committee chairperson and the Field Officer
under the program guidance of Mrs. Emmy Osano. After the short speeches and
introductions, everyone proceeded to the tree planting venue whereby each
person planted 2 trees at the focal group farmer’s home marking 502 new trees in
the globe.
In return to the Arena, the D.O 1
called upon every community member who hadn’t undergone the ICT training to
take advantage of the available chance to do so for the universe has taken a
new dimension that dictates that all individuals must be ICT complaint. She
further mentioned on the idea of planting trees and the call for each farmer to
have at least 10% of their farm covered by trees. So much was discussed by our
guests concerning the growth and development of this community with inclusion
of security matters.
Finally the awaited moment came when each
trainee from the 164 graduates had the privilege of receiving their
certificates from of guest of honour. Out of the 164 graduates we had:
- 80 youths
- 43 government staffs
- 35 Teachers
- 6 High school students