To all our esteemed clients and friends of the organization, ALIN is once again privileged to introduce you to the one and only online marketing platform designed and blended with all you've always seeked for. Sokopepe is an initiative of Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN)aimed at harnessing the power of Information and Communication Technologies in enabling farmers to efficiently reach and exploit a fair market for their produce. At the same time, it increases efficiency in the agriculture value chain providing a platform for farmers to share information and execute electronic transactions. it was initially piloted at Ng'arua Maarifa Centre at Sipili town in Laikipia County.
Most transactions on the Sokopepe platform can be completed on a basic mobile telephone handset, making it accessible to farmers in remote locations, many of whom do not own internet-liked mobile phones. Farmers and Agro-pastrolists are encouraged to register with Sokopepe today and sale online.
For details, visit www.sokopepe.co.ke or walk into any of our Maarifa Centres and get the required assistance at no fee.
Very useful and informative site. Visit my site to learn more about modern poultry, livestock, fisheries and some other non-conventional farming system.
Thanks Roy,i will definately