In 1994 upland rice was first introduced in Pala Koguta
division, Ndhiwa District as a measure towards food security diversification
and climate change adaptation by the Lake Basin Development Authority to a
group of farmers. The two identified upland species; Nerica 4 and Nerica 10
were research products bred by KARI.
The uptake picked up
well but later went low after the elapse of the project’s implementation
period. In the year 2010, the Ministry of Agriculture re-introduced the project
to another team of 30 farmers and supplied each with 2 Kilograms of Nerica 4
upland rice seeds and fertilizer for seed multiplication. In the same year, after
the farmers had realized the potential of this product, they saw a need in
forming a legal recognized association dubbed ‘OGANYO RICE ASSOCIATION’.
Even though the association
is continuing with the milling, they team will still have to acquire more sophisticated
machines like de-huskers, paddy separators, de-stoners, polishers and length
graders to be able to hit the standard market tag.
The association has been able to sale their rice to the
local markets, surrounding schools and also amongst themselves though with a
strong desire for a better market.
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