On the 21st of March 2011, we visited the KK Self Help Group in Nyarongi Division, South Kaganda in Ralang' Village. The group comprises of 30 members (19 F and 11 M) and they practice various agricultural activities ranging from:
- Poultry Keeping
- Brick making
- Bee Keeping
- Horticulture
During the groups meeting, present were the Kilimo Salama Plus team that trained and insured the farmers against drought or excessive rainfall, something that was very positive and most farmers insured their farms at a minimal of KS 600 per production acre, for more details we shall give you the links in our next post, we also had a resource person from KAPPAP, who we had come with us as resource person and he briefed the group of how local poultry had moved people who took it as a business to higher grounds and they too shall be trained on the same with an expectation of them starting with the little number they already have. KAPPAP also agreed to train them on beekeeping and also the procedures involved, later we were to link them with Equity Bank to brief them on loaning too.
Finally ALIN was here to further open the groups eye on other possible areas they had interest on and would like to be trained on and how they could acquire various knowledge from our resource centre and partners without having to sit in a class. We further discussed issues on multimedia content (videos, internet), local farmer to farmer exchange programmes, importance of documentation and the library services. From the talk, the group asked us to help the get training on the following areas:
Farming as a Business
- Water and sanitation
- Farming as a Business
- Tomato production
- Kales Production
- Adult Education
- Tree nursery as an IGA
After analyzing their request, we felt that we would first with farming as a business because it marks the foundation of all this projects and all this project must have the bookkeeping skills.
In terms of adult education, we believe that it is their right to be trained but they first to agree on the dates of the training and give us the number of those who are interested before we approach the Adult Education officer.
From the talk, the group asked us to help the get training on the following areas:Binaural Beats