Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Collective Marketing Sinks another Root in Kipingi PMG

Today being the 29th of January 2013, we were glad to join Kipingi Processing and Marketing group, in Kipingi area for a group meeting. Kipingi PMG is a cluster of 14 common interest groups with a great focus on grain collective banking and marketing. The group has a number of other activities like farming, processing and micro-finance.
On this day we had a different message to pass on to the members, for decades, access to poultry vaccine in this area was the greatest challenge to the local poultry farmers since one could only access it Homa-Bay town incase he/she needed it. The costing was not any friendly to the farmers in that one had to spend KES 300 to Homa-Bay to purchase a vaccine for 100 chicks at KES 100 but today, things have greatly changed and farmers can access the vaccine every Thursday at Ndhiwa veterinary offices.
We were also quick to mention on the collective marketing of poultry, something that the group had already done on cereals and knew its relevance. An example was even quoted by a member of when they onetime visited Homa-Bay FTC and since the centre purchases and consumes more than 100 hens per day, they were asked if they could afford to supply the same number to the institute but no one could in the entire set. This was an eye opener to the members and group asked to be trained on the same come 12th February 2013.
We sold a lot of ideas also on ICT training, Practical Action site, blogs creation, development videos, Baobab, activities documentation, technical inquiries and other online marketing portals plus more. The days agenda ended at 5.45 pm.

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