Farm School at Randhore, Kobama Division
On the 23rd January 2013, we were able to join Randhore Adults group in East Kwabwai location where its 22 members (10 F & 12 M) had organized a farmers field day after their short rains demo farm set ups.The enriching event attracted over 40 community members despite it being in the most interiors parts of Kobama division.
From the field experience, facts have so far proved it that it's not the larger the crowd - the higher the knowledge uptake, but the fewer the implementers the greater the uptake. Why? Farmers have developed a tendency of learning from each other and that is the reason why its important for we as the educators to sink this technologies through the communities lead farmers.
In Randhore the same idea was put to test and we had a variety of crops set up for learning, we had 2 cassava varieties, 2 Maize varieties (DK 8031 & Jowi), Gaddam sorghum, Finger Millet P224, Cow peas M16, Groundnuts, Potato, nappier grass among others.
A number of inquiries were also placed in by the farmers on wanting to know about markets for their beans, water harvesting skills, Banana disease control, soil fertility sampling and climate change adaptation techniques; of which a good number of them were answered by experts from Kobama Ministry of Agriculture and ALIN.
Otherwise a good number of nice ideas were pumped into the ears of the community members and even the us the educators on this day with most of the questions answered at the spot to their satisfaction.
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